Tales of berseria dlc costumes discount
Tales of berseria dlc costumes discount

  1. Tales of berseria dlc costumes discount Ps4#
  2. Tales of berseria dlc costumes discount Pc#

What I wanted to say, UI in this game is generally bad and mushrooms won't help much to enjoy it. Went perhaps with too many details, then again I can't know who'll buy this game and do a search here on the forum. Yes, even against trashmobs that are vulnerable only to water (the sequence has no water based skill)!

tales of berseria dlc costumes discount

In that case the only way to restore BG is blocking till you get hit, but even then the combo above will still do devastating damage. Keep also in mind that some bosses are immune to stun. I use these skills:Īt about level 40 you'll get Ceberus Wave which is an imporved Harsh Rebuttal so just put it at 3rd stage instead of HB.īecause of the combat system you'll learn that stun is the most important effect (don't ask, play) that's why I'm running so many stuns. But then you should make a combo of your own, a combo good enough to work against practically anything. Till level 25 or a bit above you can play without changing anything, the game will autofill this sequence, switching some "obsolete" skills with new ones and it does a good job there. So while in combat, all you need to do is hold the left mouse key and the sequence will play out (well, not completely sometimes, but that's about ingame rules). What I found out is that the arrow "pointing to the right" sequence (the third from the top) is tied to left mouse.

tales of berseria dlc costumes discount

And you combine 4 of those moves into one sequence triggered by keyboard/mouse - it's just the game doesn't tell you wtf you need to press, all you see is 4 arrows on the screen and it's not arrows on your keyboard! Now here's the thing, by leveling up all characters learn new moves. Against some bosses and minibosses you'll have to care a bit, but against random trashmobs, no way you can lose (playing on normal). It's basically click2win no questions asked. Unlike mentioned insulting Neptunia which I stopped playing soon after starting, I'm already 40 hours in Berseria.

Tales of berseria dlc costumes discount Pc#

If mushroom users need to be tortured, why tf this crap remained in PC port? Confusing to read? Yea, I know, it's even more confusing who designed it so atrocious in the first place. For example you need to see what's in some town's inn? Go masochist and press M, then R, then G, then S/W or bottom/up arrow to find a town you want to check, then G again a few times till you get to the map of an inn. You can't clicky clicky, you need to use arrows or hotkeys. Speaking about the map, it's horrible beyond words. Etc.Īt least setting map on M works okay. Key remapping exists, but is outright bugged in several cases, you can't switch enter with space for example as you won't be able to shuffle the party afterwards. Same ijkl idiocy is used while you're on hoverboard - you can't look up or down by moving just mouse. Map scrolling for example needs you to use ijkl instead of wasd or mouse which should be default PC. It's still not insulting as Neptunia series.ĭefault keys are outright idiotic. Playing with K+M on PC is almost horrible. Necro because I'm currently playing this game. Took me 102 hours to finish, doing the main quest and all side quests, with some time spent on mini-games. In my case, since in each area you would find 3-4 different types of enemies, I just set a chain of attacks appropriate for each type on each button, so, say, I find zombies that are weak to fire, I set 4 attacks on 'circle' for powers that are good vs. The combat system for someone who doesn't like button smashers like me works well, basically instead of having to memorize that square square circle is a high kick and left trigger triangle circle is a heal, you get to customize the buttons for whatever you want on the fly. Also no grinding needed (I hate grinding with a passion).

tales of berseria dlc costumes discount

No random encounters, you can save anywhere, enemies only respawn after you leave the 'region' (region is a group of areas) and you can either dodge them if you don't want to fight them, or drink a cheap holy potion and they'll ignore you. Good and expansive voice acting (like 10 movies worth of voice I think). Awesome and fully developed cast of characters. Basically you're a demon who stops at nothing seeking revenge. The story and game in general is SO much better than the much more hyped and higher Metacritic rated Final Fantasy XV.

Tales of berseria dlc costumes discount Ps4#

Just finished Tales of Berseria (played on PS4 but available on PC as well). Here's the mini-review copied since this is the game's specific thread: JRPGs in general have lots of costume packs, I wouldn't worry about that (and they're totally cosmetic of course). I did a mini-review in the "Last game you finished" thread. I am slightly wary of any game selling a "Summer holiday costume pack" for 11.99.

Tales of berseria dlc costumes discount